Featured Designs

What does it look like?
Our notecards come with your choice in handwritten styles, a thick card stock, a real envelope with a real 1st class USPS postage stamp.
Send someone you love (or like enough to spend $3.99 on) a Real card today!
Who are we?
Sendgift.ai is a division of thanks.io. Thanks.io is the web's premier destination for sending notecards, giftcards, letters and postcards!

All Sendgift.ai cards come with first class postage included in the cost of the cards. Postage comes in the form of a good old fashioned stamp. Our greeting cards are then mailed directly to the recipient.
No plastic used or wasted here! All our gift cards are printed on the inside of your greeting card and can be redeemed by following the QR code or link included. Our greeting cards are recyclable as well!
All greeting cards are printed and mailed within 24-48 hours, during normal business hours (please note our printers are closed on all major holiday and weekends).